Tyler Jay

The Adventures of Detective Badgers


The Adventures of Detective Badgers is a thrilling mansion murder mystery game based on the popular “Cluedo”. The game takes place in the 1800s and puts the player in the aftermath of a mansion party gone wrong, the player will have explore and face multiple puzzles to get the truth. Who committed the act, where did it take place, and with what object?

The player is to walk in the shoes of the well experienced Detective Badgers, accompanied by his trusted partner Detective Robert.



My main responsibility was to write and maintain the code for the game, this would include writing all of the systems and mechanics as well as bug fixing and performance control. I had also worked on a large part of the visuals assets, majorly the exterior environmental assets. And alongside this, I also governed the quality control for the project.

I led the majority of the sessions our team had experienced and organised multiple voice recording sessions with students from the drama course for a lot of the dialogue in the game.

The major systems I had created from scratch throughout this project were the following:

  • Dialogue system
  • Saving/Loading
  • Progress log book


  • Tyler Boundy – project manager, programmer, artist, designer, voice actor
  • Ben emdon – designer, artist, voice actor
  • William Castella-Bullen– artist, voice actor