Tyler Jay

Dio and Nivis


Dio and Nivis is a game surrounding the main character Dio and his connection to the friendly dragon Nivis, their bond, how it was formed and how it grew over the time spent together.

Their union is something to behold, fly the skies atop Nivis and explore the land in this 3D explorer game to find all the secrets, meet plenty of NPCs with their own unique personalities and characteristics in this fun and quirky environment.


Twitter: www.twitter.com


All systems and mechanics throughout this project were written and implemented by me, with that being said, here are the ones I believe to be significant:

  • Character controller (There is a script on the camera which controls it’s bounds, many scripts throughout change these bounds depending on the state of the player, for example, when the dragon is mounted, the bounds are changed to fit that state, as well as when the dragon is flying, sprinting and fast flying, all of these have their own camera bounds which are setup to be easily configured by Designers.)
  • Bow state (I never had time to implement the actual arrows or any reason to use the bow as we originally had planned to include a lot of the interior of the giant structure with their own puzzles, some to do with the bow, I was still quite happy with the bow state, I had reused the camera bounds system I made prior, with and offset to the camera as well, otherwise it was mainly just a combination of Animator states and some overriding methods to how the camera turns, simply including the player model in the rotation.)
  • The Dragon controller (I have never made an Animal controller in the past and I am particularly fond of dragons so it was a nice start, upon reflection, there are a lot of things I could change however, I am very proud of this one none the less.)
  • Voiced Dialogue system (After the system I setup in the “The Adventures of Detective Badgers” project, I had a lot of time to tackle this system again and I can confidently say, I have significantly improved upon it, including localization for both the subtitles and the audio section, only for English and Romanian though, this is partially due to the voice of Dio being natively Romanian. No time was available to include this is the settings unfortunately…)


  • Tyler Boundy – Programmer
  • Denis Rosca – Designer & Artist