Tyler Jay

Pocket Survivor


Survive against hundreds of enemies in the wild! Pocket Survivor is fast paced bullet hell with rogue-lite elements, where your choices can allow you to quickly snowball against the many variants of enemies that get thrown at you.

Try to go for as long as possible, gathering gold and experience to progress and keep up with the rapid scaling of the enemies.

Collect achievements throughout the experience by completing specific tasks, can you collect them all?

Can you survive the fight?


Twitter: www.twitter.com


All systems and mechanics throughout this project were written and implemented by me, with that being said, here are the ones I believe to be significant:

  • Object pooling (I had never done object pooling prior to this project but due to the nature of the project being designed for mobile, having so many enemies spawning constantly was poor for performance and object pooling was required to make the game playable.)
  • Enemy creator tool (A tool I made for our artist and designer to have a more swift workflow, just by configuring some stats and drag and dropping spritesheets into my editor tool, simply hitting create would generate all the required elements for a working enemy, after that, simply dragging that element into the object pooling script would add them to the enemy pool to be auto spawned. If required beyond that, some further unique spawning options would be added by myself.) 

I had also started writing an SDK for my company LootGame Studios and had used that during the developement of this project as well, the elements utilised include:

  • Achievement system
  • Saving system
  • Health system
  • Leveling system
  • General tools (Hierarchy organisation, Sprite billboarding, Singletons, Timers)
